jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011


(a) Ph.D Courses
1.     Advanced Techniques for nonlinear circuits and systems. PNPC-CONACYT, INAOE. May-August. (80 hrs.), 2012.

(b) M.Sc Courses
1.     Analog Instrumentation II, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, January-June. (80 hrs.), 2017.
2.     Advanced Instrumentation, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, August-December. (80 hrs.), 2016.
3.     Analog Instrumentation II, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, January-June. (80 hrs.), 2016.
4.     Advanced Instrumentation, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, August-December. (80 hrs.), 2015.
5.     Automation, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, January-June. (40 hrs.), 2015.
6.     Analog Instrumentation I, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, August-December. (80 hrs.), 2014.
7.     Analog Instrumentation II, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, January-June. (80 hrs.), 2014.
8.     Advanced Techniques for Simulation, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, January-June. (80 hrs.), 2014.
9.     Analog Instrumentation I, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, August-December. (80 hrs.), 2013.
10.   Analog Instrumentation II, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, January-June. (80 hrs.), 2013.
11.   Optical instrumentation, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, January-June. (80 hrs.), 2013.
12.   Digital Systems, PNPC-CONACYT, BUAP, August-December. (80 hrs.), 2012.
13.   Programming Tools for Engineering, PNPC-CONACYT, UPPUE, September-December. (70 hrs.), 2011.
14.   Programming Tools for Engineering, PNPC-CONACYT, UPPUE, September-December. (70 hrs.), 2010.
15.   Circuit Theory, PNPC-CONACYT, INAOE, September-December 2008. (45 hrs.), 2008.
16.   Circuit Theory, PNPC-CONACYT, INAOE, September-December 2006. (45 hrs.), 2006.

(c) Bachelor Courses
1.     Advanced Applications of Dynamical Systems, BUAP. January-May. (90 hrs.), 2017.
2.     Analog Filters Design, BUAP. August-December. (90 hrs.), 2016.
3.     Advanced Applications of Dynamical Systems, BUAP. January-May. (90 hrs.), 2016.
4.     Analog Filters Design, BUAP. August-December. (90 hrs.), 2015.
5.     Analog Filters Design, BUAP. May-August. (90 hrs.), 2015.
6.     Analog Filters Design, BUAP. January-May. (90 hrs.), 2015
7.     Analog Filters Design, BUAP. August-December. (90 hrs.), 2014.
8.     Analog Filters Design, BUAP. January-May. (90 hrs.), 2014.
9.     Analog Filters Design, BUAP. August-December. (90 hrs.), 2013.
10.   Analog Filters Design, BUAP. May-Jul. (90 hrs.), 2013.
11.   Analog Filters Design, BUAP. January-May. (90 hrs.), 2013.
12.   Analog Filters Design, BUAP. August-December. (90 hrs.), 2012.
13.   Introduction to Signal Processing, BUAP. August-December. (90 hrs.), 2012.
14.   Analog Filters Design, BUAP. May-August. (90 hrs.), 2012.
15.   Electronic Devices, UPPUE. January-April. (70 hrs.), 2012.
16.   Seminar of Research I, UPPUE. January-April. (70 hrs.), 2012.
17.   Professional Internship II, UPPUE. January-April. (70 hrs.), 2012.
18.   Seminar of Research I, UPPUE. September-December. (70 hrs.), 2011.
19.   Professional Internship II, UPPUE. September-December. (70 hrs.), 2011.
20.   Seminar of Research I, UPPUE. May-August. (70 hrs.), 2011.
21.   Professional Internship II, UPPUE. May-August. (70 hrs.), 2011.
22.   Control Theory, UPPUE. May-August. (90 hrs.), 2011.
23.   Seminar of Research I, UPPUE. January-April. (70 hrs.), 2011.
24.   Professional Internship II, UPPUE. January-April. (70 hrs.), 2011.
25.   Control Theory, UPPUE. January-April. (90 hrs.), 2011.
26.   Seminar of Research I, UPPUE. September-December. (70 hrs.), 2010.
27.   Analog Filters Design, UPPUE. September-December. (90 hrs.), 2010.
28.   Control Theory, UPPUE. September-December. (90 hrs.), 2010.
29.   Seminar of Research I, UPPUE. May-August. (70 hrs.), 2010.
30.   Analog Amplifiers Design, UPPUE. May-August. (90 hrs.), 2010.
31.   Control Theory, UPPUE. May-August. (90 hrs.), 2010.
32.   Seminar of Research I, UPPUE. January-April. (70 hrs.), 2010.
33.   Analog Filters Design, UPPUE. January-April. (90 hrs.), 2010.
34.   Control Theory, UPPUE. January-April. (90 hrs.), 2010.
35.   Analog Amplifiers Design, UPPUE. September-December. (90 hrs.), 2009.
36.   Digital Signal Processing, UPPUE. September-December. (105 hrs.), 2009.
37.   Optoelectronic Systems, UPPUE. September-December. (90 hrs.), 2009.
38.   Select Themes of Physics, UPPUE. May-August. (90 hrs.), 2009.
39.   Electronic Circuits Analysis, UPPUE. January-April. (90 hrs.), 2009.
40.   Select Themes of Physics, UPPUE. January-April. (90 hrs.), 2009.
41.   Analog Amplifiers Design, UPPUE. September-December. (90 hrs.), 2008.

42.   Analog Filters Design, UPPUE. September-December. (90 hrs.), 2008.

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